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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mayor’s Healthy Richmond Campaign

The Official Kickoff for the Healthy Richmond Campaign 
Expo opens at 10 a.m., Kickoff begins at 10:30 a.m.Presented by: Mayor Dwight C. Jones

Join us and our very own Dr. Remley the Commissioner of The Virginia Department of Health at the  Get Healthy-Stay Healthy Health Expo.,  and Chick-fil-a cow walk, part of the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Policy!

The Mayor established a Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Policy as a direct result of his concerns about disparity in health outcomes across the Richmond community. The Commission -- which is made up of health experts including physicians, hospital executives, mental health and clinical providers, and members of the community -- worked together to identify critical health issues facing the City of Richmond. Focus areas to improve Richmond’s health:

The Mayor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Policy identified numerous factors that contribute to disparity and poor health, but they were able to prioritize and agreed on five recommendations to forward to the Mayor that they believed would make the most impact on improving the health and well-being of Richmond residents:

  •      Healthy Richmond Campaign - promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors and participating in various initiatives to improve the health of Richmond’s residents,
  •      Health and Social Equity - impacting policy by creating an infrastructure that promotes healthy living,
  •      Behavioral Health - addressing prevention and intervention for at-risk youth and families,
  •      Medical Homes for the Uninsured - eliminating barriers that impact access to health care,
  •      Support for Healthcare Providers - encouraging health care providers to practice in underserved areas of  the community.

Cow Walk:  April 28, 2012 starts at 8:30 a.m  Click here and learn more

Expo Information:
Date and Time:                    April 28, 2012, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location:                              Greater Richmond Convention Center
                                             403 N. Third Street, Exhibit Hall A
         Richmond, VA 23219

(Click Below to Learn More)

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